الجمعة، 13 فبراير 2015

What is the automobile liability insurance

What is the automobile liability insurance

What is the automobile liability insurance

The significant increase in the form of compounds counter in our country, problems on many levels, this increase has led to congestion of roads, Aftrguena did not change in the Arab world, and in the holy can not do Ptusatha from the supply side, only the increase in long-space, and add new kilometers and led this increase also increase to increased traffic accidents significantly and record, and are becoming a threat to the community, on the one hand, the loss of life and injuries, hand material losses resulting from the expenses and the expenses of treatment, in case of injuries, and compensation for deaths and rates of deactivation and other as well as the loss of vehicles in terms of repair, and the subject of the reduction of accidents and we are going to talk about the reduction of material losses, as much as possible, mitigate, and what are the procedures to do so, especially since some may matter to them, save and thinking that accidents do not shoot him, he protected them, and thus do not benefit from this procedure and expenses.

automobile insurance quotes online:

Is a written contract between the first two parties calls for the insurer (insurance company in the habit), and under this contract, the insurer is committed to reparation and compensation for insured him for the damages that you get to his vehicle by Migtih decade of the damage, as opposed to financial premiums paid by the insured as agreed upon between the two parties (annually, or monthly, or semi-annual)

nj auto insurance benefits:

The feeling of protection "that vehicle insurance provides a sense of protection against the loss of others will be covered and protected under this contract, thus making it impossible to feel safe and disappears feeling anxious leadership in general need to rest and tranquility, and it does not mean in any way neglect and causing accidents unnecessarily, there are views that were by the police or insurance companies will investigate the cause of the accident, but turned out to be fabricated not compensate for the incident, but there is a penalty Vmtal edge over the incident.

Protection of society: the protection is divided into two parts
Physical protection:

Insurance protects society from its losses physical result of traffic accidents, it is known that insurance companies are re-Accident Insurance with international companies reel working in this area and charge compensation for the lock it from accidents.

Social protection:

Community disputes among its members if an event that there is no auto insurance for frequent conflicts As Lydda courts, and either to conflicts turn into fights and the use of force to recover the rights, with car insurance will shorten the individuals of these conflicts between them and go to the insurance companies of their claims, which may Tnjawb them, it may be forced to go to the courts, but in general, insurance companies shorten many disputes and rivalries and end amicably claims in its offices

nj auto insurance types:

This insurance includes reparation and compensation for other cars and passengers that the insured is the offending party in the incident proved that, and does not include a boat insured or owner and passengers, and called for this type of insurance also (Compulsory Insurance) and return label to the fact that the law imposed on the owner of the vehicle insurance his vehicle in this type of insurance coercion, and otherwise worthy of punishment for the car owner, which may amount to confinement in some laws

Pros third party insurance:

1. provides compensation for accidents caused by the insured (unintentional accidents) to others, and therefore it is to protect him from the payments may be high in some cases, and they feel relatively safe driver of the vehicle from the risk of accidents.

2. installments relatively simple and non-high, does not consider the amount of that tax burden on the owner of the car in relation to the protection provided by the risks covered.

3. fixed installments and the rest of the vehicle changed.

Cons third party insurance:

Cons of this type of insurance can be identified in the limited cover and protection they provide, they are limited to non-car and thus any damage and malfunction you get to the car owner or driver is not covered by this type of insurance is that it was caused from the incident and therefore bear the costs of such malfunctions and damage.

Comprehensive insurance for cars:

Insurance is optional, a car, and in this case, the vehicle owner chooses to covering the full protection of his vehicle, under this contract include the comprehensive protection of each vehicle and other vehicles and their passengers.

Pros comprehensive insurance:

1. Insurance offers high protection, and feel the insured protection on his vehicle, even though it caused the accident, and therefore may avoid paying large sums of money in and fix it.

2. for many types of risk insurance is not limited to vehicle accidents, insurance is Salam covers risks of theft, fire, and others.

Cons comprehensive insurance:

1. high premiums, and not all of the owners of the vehicles, they can be paid, or at least comfortably, especially if our work that a lot of those acquiring modern cars, are those who are paying their price by financing banks, in the form of monthly installments

2. does not cover all of them, but modern cars, and depending on the age old Vantrbh each vehicle is supposed to be fragile and cause more accidents than modern counterparts

3. The area of the dispute to the courts and that many of the high value of the claims, and thus the insured may have to resort to the courts against insurance companies.

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