الجمعة، 2 يناير 2015

flood damage

flood damage

flood damage

Floods are a natural phenomena, which occur as a result of the increase in the water level, in the rivers, and that the body is the speed of water flow from the springs to the streams, and the quantities of floods which has a direct correlation with it as the speed of the water has increased the amount of floods and vice versa, this is true

Meteorological experts said, they are able to flood forecasting this was by satellites, which can help them to send pictures of rivers with the measurement of the extent to which the depth of the rivers water attributed these rivers crashing the US could be expected weather experts contrasts the rivers of floods where the proportion of floods increases continuously in China, where the river was overflowing with Yangsti once every 20 years and now overflowing with all nine years of every ten years, and the River Rhine in Germany also rose to four times between the years in " 1900M to 1977 M level of the largest flood levels of 7.6 meters, has increased the level of tens of times between 1987 and 1996 M

Let us talk a little bit about the causes of floods:

1. Remove the vast forests, where the forests were located on the headwaters of rivers, which consumption of quantities of water down the committee look at consuming water from rivers and also as a result of the uprooting of trees, as well as forest soil disintegrated drifted to the reaches of the river in this dismantle obstacles which hinder the flow of the river caused
2. The earth tremors in upwellings and seas
 3. Anchor ice melting in rivers after melting
 4. Powerful storms, hurricane
 5. increase rainfall
 6 - Landslides dams that store large quantities of water
 7. Change in water pressure in the bottom of the ocean

The effects of floods:flood damages:

The flooding is one of the strongest pesticides endangered human beings on Earth, as hatred affect these floods of all walks of life, whether it is a human being or cultivation is the city, which caused by floods that extracting first condition Only after that he spends a long time and caused a lot of flood losses of mankind as a result of a collision that this was the cause of death as a result of drowning or electric shock diamond output of couch or the Electric, and much of the diseases and epidemics that spread as a result of contaminated with water and convert them into the water, safe drinking water, as well as unfavourable caused floods in a famine in large States, sinking agricultural crops and premature deaths in spite of that, Flood Damage this is not useful to one such disasters, it does not perceive Cafe and floods that feed water tanks groundwater

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